Saturday, December 31, 2011

Are Earthquakes a Sign of the End of Time?

Earthquakes are on our minds these days as we see the results of two very devastating and recent earthquakes on the news. There is alot of seismic activity going on these days. Yes, there have always been lots of earthquakes, but there appear to be more recently, they have been very close together and severe.

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The Bible speaks of earthquakes happening in diverse, (different), places when the end of time is approaching. It has many other warnings also, but specifically, it speaks of earthquakes. Matthew 24:7, Mark 13:8, and Luke 21:11, to be specific, are passages in the Bible that speak of earthquakes in reference to the end of time.

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Luke 21:11, clearly says there will be great earthquakes, famines, and pestilences, in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

Many people and religions believe this to be true. I certainly do, and the proof to us is there are many things happening today that were foretold long ago in the scriptures of the Bible. To me, that makes it very believable!

The earth is a moving, shaking, planet. It is interesting to study the seismic activity of today. I live in a major earthquake zone, the New Madrid Faultline. I certainly am aware of the possibility of an earthquake in my area of the country.

Since the horrors we have seen in Haiti and Chile of the devastation and calamity of earthquakes, I think more people want to be aware of the possibilities of future events. The news medias are frantically asking the scientific neighborhood if they can give the predictions of earthquakes. With the modern technology at hand the is no specific predictions of exactly where an earthquake will happen next, only guesstimates.

Although earthquake predicting is not an exact science. We can all be prepared in the event that an earthquake may happen where we live. That is the best we can do. We can also reach out to others who are experiencing the devastation of an earthquake.

The Bible tells us what to expect when we are approaching the end of time as we know it. I am glad that God has given us such a guide to follow and is merciful to help us in times like these.

We can prepare both spiritually and physically for the times of catastrophes, such as earthquakes. We all may have to experience difficult times ahead. God doesn't say we will escape all troubles or calamities, but He does say He will be there for us and help us through them.

I encourage you to read the Bible and learn what God says about future events, such as earthquakes, that will happen as the end of time approaches. Yes, earthquakes in different places are a sign of the end of times.

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Friday, December 30, 2011

Why Do I Feel Tired All the Time? - The Number 1 Cause of Feeling Tired Revealed!

Are you often asking the question "why do I feel tired all the time"? If so then today I will reveal to you the #1 cause of feeling tired & fatigued. As well I'll present 2 great tips on how to immediately start reducing fatigue and boost your energy levels up. Best of all if you follow all my recommendations you'll also improve your health in multiple ways in which you couldn't have imagined.
Two Tips to Help Increase Energy
Stop Eating Late: Do you eat within 3 hours of going to bed? If so you're doing more harm than good. Were you aware that many police and firemen are questioned when they apply about their eating habits before bed, those who say they eat before bed are often not accepted as it indicates that they're likely to be less rested and as a result less alert than those who don't eat before bed.
Stop Going to Bed Late: 10-2 is the ideal sleeping time. If you go to bed after 2pm constantly then you're always going to be playing catch-up with your energy levels. So do yourself a favour and get to bed by 10pm!
What Really Makes you Feel Tired All the Time!
It's known as a candida overgrowth. Candida is a yeast which grows inside over 90% of the population and because of the culture we live in now of using drugs for everything and eating dead processed foods, this yeast has now become a threat to our health. All of these modern day factors encourage the yeast to overgrow which causes various problems, the most common of which are brain fog which is like a continual lack of focus or concentration as well as chronic fatigue/exhaustion regardless of what you do.
If these symptoms describe your everyday life then you need to immediately begin eliminating candida from your body and re-balance your health to get your energy back once again!

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Did Eve Have Sex With the Devil Or Did She Just Eat Some Fruit? - Part 1

Is my title question preposterous? If it is, how is it more preposterous than to think that the literal eating of a particular fruit from a particular tree, albeit forbidden by The Lord, can be considered that evil that Adam and Eve should lose their opportunity of a physical life in paradise and access to the Tree of Life? If a child in our care were to disobey our instruction for the first time would we lash out with a severe punishment at the first offence of disobedience? Obviously not, so why did The Lord punish our original parents so severely for eating the wrong kind of 'apple'? OK, I know it doesn't say apple but it might just as well say it, so does this apparent trivial error and the punishment that follows it make any sense, or, in other words, does the punishment fit the crime? Well, if we take it a step further and accept the Biblical narrative as symbolic for something else, then, yes it does make sense. Indeed, we can then assume, without much doubt, that Adam and Eve's sin was so serious, so heinous, that the Lord had no option but to banish our original parents from the Garden. This then leaves us with the question of what kind of offence(s) or sin(s) could it have been that would warrant such a severe punishment?

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Up until recently I was of the mind, like so many others, that Adam and Eve's sin was just a simple act of disobedience, but writings I have discovered just lately have thrown a giant spanner into the works of my original understanding of their original sin. My understanding, too, not helped much by what is written in the King James Bible. However, always remember, that as believers, our understanding is never ours it's the understanding we are given and The Lord does not give us all understanding, all at once, or at the beginning of our walk with Him. It takes years of study and much waiting on Him. Having clarified that little aside, let's write the crucial verses here so that we can see for ourselves what the Holy Scriptures actually say:

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Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

This verse is the most important and influences the whole of this study, for it mentions two seeds. Now what are these "seeds", because before we can move on we must be clear in our minds as to what they represent and, after a little research, we find it's all very straight forward. Most readers will know what the word 'seed' means in this context but to make sure, let's use another example or two so that there is no ambiguity or confusion:

Genesis 9:8-9 And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons with him, saying, 9 And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you.

Gen 15:3 And Abram said, Behold, to me thou hast given no seed: and, lo, one born in my house is mine heir.

So as we can plainly see, the word 'seed' refers to offspring and if we refer to Strong's Concordance for further evidence we will find that the Hebrew word for 'seed' in Genesis 3:15 is the same as in Genesis 9:9 and 15:3. OK, so if we go back to Genesis 3:15 we can see that the Lord is going to put enmity between these two very different seeds or lines, but who is the Lord speaking to? Let's go there now:

Genesis 3:14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:

There we have it; the Lord is speaking to the Devil, Satan, that serpent and arch-deceiver also known as the destroyer, the adversary and in this instance the arch-seducer, for, without doubt, one of the two seeds mentioned here is his seed. Notice too the phrase "because thou hast done this". From that we can easily deduce and know that Satan actually did something and the term 'doing something', more often than not, refers to a physical action, not just an 'action' of sitting idly by on the sidelines enticing, goading or provoking as an exuberant spectator.

So what does all this mean for we are very definitely dealing with a physical seed that belongs to the Devil? In turn, this now beggars the question, how can a spirit being or a fallen angel have physical sexual relations with a human being? Well, the only verse in the Holy Scriptures we can rely on or turn to for any evidence to this event is in Genesis once more:

Genesis 6:1-2 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

Who were these "sons of God" here that took the descendants or daughters of Adam for wives? Well they can only be one thing, they were fallen angels or angels that went astray and left their first estate as described in Jude 6

Jude 1:6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

The important words of this verse are 'kept not', 'first estate' and 'habitation'. The words 'kept not' mean they failed to keep a guard or failed to hold as precious their Spiritual inheritance or estate, i.e. to maintain any value upon their Spiritual substance and the honour bestowed upon them as Spirit beings. Instead they took it upon themselves to choose the lower order of the physical or the base level of physical men. This means they despised their first estate and placed more value upon human fleshly desires and, don't forget, these daughters were human beings in the fallen condition. These angels treated with contempt their manifestly higher order that the Lord had blessed them with, their 'first estate' - their position. Not only that, they gave up their home as well or their superior habitation; very reckless and foolish indeed. So much so, it ultimately cost them their freedom because the Lord incarcerated them in darkness, where they are to this day and where they will remain until the Last Great Day at the end of the Millennium or the end of the Lord's one thousand year reign on this earth as King of kings.

Now this brings us to the original issue, this wickedness was not a one off, this had all happened before, and it was a follow on from the earlier wickedness of their leader, Satan the Devil, otherwise known as Sammael in the other writings I mentioned. He set the example and these fallen angels followed in his footsteps, and their actions were a repeat of his wickedness. So what was this wickedness? Quite simply, it was the seduction of Eve. We can then add in the cuckolding of Adam or possibly even the sodomising of Adam - we do not know all the details. What we do know, though, is that the Devil contaminated their Godly union which up until that point had not been consummated. Adam and Eve discovered the sexual act through perversion and through lust and nothing but lust. This event was a compounding event, because after the Devil had had his evil way with Eve he then, through Eve, encouraged Adam to take her afterwards thereby reducing her to the status of a sexual object, an adulteress or possibly worse, a promiscuous slut. This, in effect, was the first pornographic act - the first threesome; the use of the woman's body for nothing but selfish sexual gratification. There was no love in this event, and it was the first sexual act on earth between a man and a woman. This, too, is how they knew they were naked and covered themselves with leaves and why, too, they hid from the Lord in the garden. They covered their sexual parts, they were laden with shame and guilt - they felt dirty and contaminated. Furthermore, it was this act that gave them the knowledge of good and evil, not through the literal eating of an 'apple', the fruit is pure symbolism. Not only that, if we think the literal eating of fruit from the wrong tree can make us feel dirty, unclean and shameful what kind of fruit could that be. OK, we could and would feel guilty for having disobeyed God but not dirty and ashamed. No, there is only one act that could have had that kind of effect on a previously innocent human being and that act is the promiscuous, lustful, loveless sexual act.

OK, so we now have the evidence that this wicked event took place, but where does this lead us? Quite simply, back to the two seeds, the two seeds that produced two offspring - Cain and Abel. One child was of the Devil's seed and the other was of Adam's seed. How do we know this? Not easy, because the King James Bible is not that helpful, so we have to look elsewhere, but where? Well, before I do that let's copy the KJV verse here, first, to analyse what it says:

Gen 4:1-2 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD. 2 And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.

Now, based upon the evidence that I have revealed from the Holy Scriptures, Genesis 4:1 seems to read like a complete contradiction of the previous verses. We know there are to be two seeds, but this verse looks as if it's saying that Cain is Adam's son and Abel is Adam's son and not only that, but that Cain was a gift to Eve from God himself no less. Now where have the two seeds gone, because if Cain and Abel are both Adam's sons then they can only be of the one seed for they are both of Adam's seed, so what's going on in this verse? Well we know don't we, the true evidence has been written out of the narrative by the translators. Now there's a surprise, and why would they do that!? They would do it, because it would mean having to admit what I have stated above, that Eve had sex with Devil and produced Cain from that illegitimate union. The thing is, we have got a whole load of stuff going on in Genesis 4:1 and it will require another article to cover it, so stay with it folks.

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Five Kinds Of Exercise That Help Bring On Labor

Exercise is frequently recommended as a natural method to induce labor. Exercise is especially helpful in getting your baby to descend, and in encouraging him or her to engage better. There are at least five types of exercise you could do when your pregnancy is full term, to encourage your baby to get born.

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Walking as a method for natural labor induction

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Walking keeps you upright and helps your baby to descend. This exerts downward pressure on the cervix, taking you closer to cervical effacement and dilation. The pressure your baby's head places on your cervix also increases local release of oxytocin, which in turn brings on labor.

In addition to helping your baby to get into the right position, walking is also good for you. Walking is excellent cardio-vascular training, and can be done by most people; besides it doesn't require a gym or any special equipment. Walking improves blood circulation, respiration, as well as muscle tone. It keeps you fit to cope with the onset of labor, and be ready to welcome the newborn.

If you can, walk in the mornings when the air is fresher and less polluted. Wear comfortable shoes and also carry a big umbrella. It's good to have one, in case you want to lean on something to relieve any strain on your back. And of course, it's useful if it gets too sunny, or starts to rain.

Does climbing stairs really help to start labor?

It's often said that in hospitals midwives ask you to walk upstairs and down, in order to get the early stage of labor to go faster.

Climbing stairs has the same effect that walking does. It helps your baby to engage better, your cervix to dilate, and also increases the oxytocin level in the cervical area. Additionally, lifting your legs, one after the other, in order to move on to the next step opens up your pelvis. This makes more room for your baby and helps in bringing on labor. The slight swinging motion and small accelerated movements while going up, and the little bumps while stepping down, all help your baby to position himself or herself better for the labor.

Remember, it is important that you don't exhaust yourself climbing stairs, trying to get faster into labor. You should know your own limits, and must listen to your body signals.

How about swimming in order to bring on labor?

Swimming is another excellent exercise that helps bring on labor. The breaststroke especially is said to have this effect.

Remember to wear goggles and follow proper swimming techniques. If you keep your head above the water all the time while swimming, your spine will curve unnaturally. This is likely to strain your back, which is already coping with the extra weight of your belly.

If you don't know the right techniques, don't let that stop you! If you can swim a little bit, it becomes surprisingly easy to learn the proper technique for swimming breaststroke. Contact a swimming teacher for a lesson.

Immersing your body in water, when you are heavily pregnant, is truly a joyous experience. The water supports your body and takes off weight from your feet and joints. If you are suffering from swollen feet at the end of your pregnancy, the slight pressure of water will relieve this common problem comfortably.

It is indeed worth going to the pool or to the beach to enjoy the benefits of water and of swimming, to help bring on your labor and to get relief from swollen feet!

Does squatting help in starting labor faster?

Squatting opens your pelvis and makes labor easier, because it helps your baby to move down the birth canal and also creates more room for him or her to be born. Squatting can help you to get to labor faster, in case it doesn't start because the baby is too high.

The squatting position helps your baby to descend and engage into your pelvis. After your baby has engaged well, it's less probable that she or he will be able to turn anymore. This means that you should squat only when your baby is in the right position for birth. This position is called the anterior position in which the baby is head down and facing your back. If your baby is in a posterior position -- back against your back -- or in the breech position head up, it's important not to encourage him or her to descend. Your baby has to turn into the optimal, anterior birth position before you do any squatting.

Swinging -- could exercise for natural labor induction be more convenient?

Using a swing results in a small G-force that encourages your baby to descend. To try this type of physical exercise in starting your labor, find a safe swing in which you can be stably seated.

All these exercises can be the last bit of natural encouragement your full term baby needs to be born. It's always good to exercise. It's never too late, and even a little of physical exercise goes a long way, and is an improvement on doing nothing at all. Exercise helps your labor to start and also keeps you fit. When you are physically in good condition, you will feel great and are able to resist stress and illnesses much better. So, go for a walk around your block, or to the nearest park to use a swing!

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Monday, December 26, 2011

Easy Yet Best Part Time Jobs For Retired Teachers

Looking for part time jobs for retired teachers can be quite difficult. For one thing, the issue of age has taken its toll and they can no longer be accepted to other companies and educational institutions. Second would be the physical issue that might prove our old teachers incapable of doing some tasks. It is of our knowledge that some retired educators indeed experience some body pains and even mental constraints.

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In spite if some companies and institutions not accepting retired individuals - even teachers, you need not worry. As long as you are still capable of working there is still hope for you to land a job - even a part time one. To date, there are countless available positions for anyone that is duly open regardless of age. In line with that, here is a list of some optional part time jobs for retired teachers.

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Option #1: Tutor jobs. This is the closest and the best part time job especially for retired teachers. This is also the most suggested one because you can decide how long your tutoring session might be. Since older teachers tend to become frustrated with long hours of teaching, tutoring can be a venue for you to still teach yet still hold your desired time. In addition you can even teach only a single subject or the one that you love most. Furthermore, you can only focus to a single student at a time, thus managing the individual's comprehension and improvement. Some retired teachers I know love this option. Salary wise it is compensated very well.

Option #2: Consultant jobs. Being a consultant is already a booming job nowadays. With the vast experience and wisdom of old teachers, they are perfect candidates to become one. You can do this as a contractual one or within a company umbrella. You can opt to seek institutions that require professional advice on a new or growing enterprise. As a consultant you can offer advice and proven methodologies on how to jump start a business; particularly venturing to education. You can then share your own personal interests and feedback. You are compensated well if you do become a consultant.

Option #3: Entrepreneurship. As a retired teacher, one type of work you can do is to build your own business. This might seem to be a late proposal but nonetheless with all the time on your hands, you can build and manage it from scratch. Much more as a retired worker, for sure you have pension money that you can use to build your own enterprise. You can start one from your hobby or perhaps an area of your expertise. With your time now, I am sure you will be able to put all your attention to your growing business. Furthermore, your income will be based on how well your business blooms. But once successful, you can be sure to reap the best rewards after.

These three options are just some of the things any retired instructors can pursue even at an older age. You may no longer work in a school but there is still room for you to generate a modest income in spite of being retired. Thus before setting foot away from teaching, try browsing some part time jobs for retired teachers that are perfect for you.

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Friday, December 23, 2011

Sinuses - Despite Some Debate As to It's Impact, What We Eat Does Matter

To what extent the food we eat affects our sinuses has been an ongoing debate for sometime. But rather than getting involved into the theoretical, allow me to tell you about my experience, which probably is not unique. Other people I have known with sinus pressure and related problems seem to agree with the basic conclusion I have arrived at. This is based on several years of observing the effect that food has had on my sinus.

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There is an awareness, like never before, of the importance that nutrition plays in a person's health. What someone wrote many years ago that "we are what we eat" seems to be gaining relevance as nutritional research probes deeper into the correlation between health and the food we eat. Manufacturers of foods are very conscious of this awareness by the way they label their products. Foods containing low or unsaturated fat, natural ingredients, low or no sugar added, low cholesterol,etc., are conspicuously labeled this way.

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It should not come as a surprise to many if I were to tell you that what I eat does affect the condition of my sinuses. Let me be blunt: If I want to have a sinus headache and/or post nasal drip (PND) I can have one anytime I so desire. All I have to do is have some foods and that's it !

Research has shown again and again the correlation between a diet containing certain foods and the incidence of certain other health problems such as heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, etc. This relationship is accepted by almost everyone. And the reverse is also becoming common knowledge, too: The lack of certain nutritional elements can also bring about unwanted health results. And so with sinus health. I believe that wrong eating has more to do with sinus pressure and other sinus ailments than many would had imagined.

Without meaning to get religious, it is interesting to note that modern nutritional research science seems to corroborate what the Bible Book of Genesis states about the original diet our Maker gave humankind--which some would say is still the best for us: Grains, fruits, nuts and vegetables(Genesis Chapter 1, verse 11; Chapter 2, verse 9; and Chapter 3, verse 18.) Research has also shown that when one adheres to a diet that contains primarily these natural foods a person lives longer and is healthier (e.g., Loma Linda University-Adventist Health Studies Number 1 and 2; 1974-1988; 2002 - present, respectively.)

In conclusion, those of us who suffer or have suffered from sinus pressure and other related sinus ailments would do well to consider the impact of certain foods on our sinus conditions . Plain common sense tell some of us to avoid them as much as possible. If we want the joy of having clear sinuses, freedom from PND, no more sinus headaches, etc., re-considering what we eat is a step in the right direction.

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Lao Tzu - "Give a Man a Fish, Feed Him For a Day. Teach a Man to Fish, Feed Him For a Lifetime"

Back in ancient Chinese times, sometime between the 4th and 6th century BC, Lao Tzu was the founder of taoism, the mystical 'way' or 'path' that many have followed since.

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And with him came the many sayings for which he is renowned.

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One of the best known is the one quoted above, "Give a man a fish; feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish; feed him for a lifetime", which has a wonderful analogy with the modern world of management today.

The metaphor of feeding someone and that sufficing to get them through one day, and one day alone shows that people can only be helped so far. If we help them and do things for them all the time, then they rely on us, which is not only unhealthy for their development of skills, but also potentially dangerous, if we are not there to help them one day, their very future is at risk.

The principle whereby we rely totally on the support, guidance and even nurturing of someone else, for too long a period, is typical of many modern management environments. The old-style 'command and control' management processes lead to employees only being required or even able to do what they were told, which puts great pressure on those doing the telling.

Not only that, but where employees are not provided with stimulating work and aren't asked to challenge themselves mentally, this often leads to demotivation and then higher absence rates, as well as employee turnover that such boredom precipitates.

Lack of stimulation=boredom=frustration=leave to find something else.

Let's look at the flip side, where we 'teach a man to fish'. Not only does the man become self-sufficient and be able to survive without being provided for, but he has a sense of achievement and fulfillment. How good does an angler feel as he pulls a fish from the water?

Much better than when one is placed generously in front of him, merely to eat. Sure it may be good, for a while, to be provided for, but human psyche is bigger than that in a healthy human being. People need to be valued for who they are.

So - we 'teach them to fish'. In the workplace, by teaching out people new skills, we validate them for who they are and the contribution they are able to make. They know they are useful and valued and with this confidence they do more. They learn that to stretch themselves is good. That they have within themselves untapped resources which show off the potential they have always had, now released.

Indeed 'teaching them to fish' realizes not just the material potential they have, but catalyses even bigger capabilities in them. Their development muscle has been stretched and exercised, so it becomes bigger and more capable.

The business upside for 'teaching our people to fish'? Well, managers are able to offload some of their tactical workload to others who relish the opportunity. This frees managers to do more with more of their people.

A workplace environment that becomes the breeding ground for capable, committed and excited employees, straining at the leash to do more. Managers enable their business to become a developmental mixing bowl of ideas and capability like nothing before.

In a business world where the embodiment of excellent management is an operation that works at least as well (and sometimes better!), when the manager is absent is to be acknowledged as the purest quality.

And with that level of capability developed, all because the manager taught his people 'how to fish', business thrives.

How Lao Tzu would smile if he saw how his little saying was as important, in the hurly-burly of the business world today, as it was all those years ago!

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

How to Trace a Cell Phone Location

New advances in technology have made it possible for anybody to trace a cell phone location.

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These advances in technology designed to trace a cell phone location came about as a result of a number of recent events, including the events of September 11, 2001. Technological breakthroughs which have occurred since then include the inclusion of GPS technology in most mobile phones, and an improved ability to detect a phone's location based on signals from local transmission towers.

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There are number services on the Internet which allow you to trace the location of a cell phone. They may differ in therms of interface and appearance, butthey are using the same data from the telecom companies.

In the past the only way to gain access to the technology to trace a cell phone location was to buy equipment, and the use of this equipment was largely regulated to official organisations such as the police.

The way these services work is by gathering information from the telecom company that provides the cell phone service. this information includes the location of the cell phone as calculated by a combination of factors including the GPS as previously mentioned, and the distance to each of the nearest cellphone transmission masts. This is the same information which the police get.

There are wide range of reasons why you might want to trace a cell phone location, such as trying to find out where a friend or relative rates while you're out and about, keeping track of the location of a child, meeting up with friends, and trying to find shops and restaurants near you. Companies make use of these services in order to track their employees location, and also to provide security for employees when they are working in a remote location on their own. In the end, there are probably as many reasons as there are users.

The way GPS technology works in modern cell phones varies between the different cellphone networks, and with some operators it does not continuously transmit location. This means that when you want to trace a cell phone location, the information that you will be gathering is most likely collected from transmission tower locations.

The location of the phone will be tracked using triangulation - by taking 2 or more readings, it is possible to calculate where the signal is comming from by working out the triangle that fits the signal strengths. The 3rd point is the location of the phone.

However, when the person who has the phone has made an emergency call, this GPS transmission will always be sent. This is designed to ensure that the police can always track a cell phone location, in order to get help to people who need it.

The result of this design that the accuracy of the location which is provided by the service will be greater in areas which are more populated, and have more radio transmission masts, and will be lower in areas where there are very few radio masts, such is the wastelands, deserts, or un-populated areas of countryside. So, it is easier to track a cell phone location with a high level of accuracy in built up areas.

Nonetheless, most times you trace a cell phone location the information from the cell phone masts should be fine. After all, you do not need to know the person's location with a very great deal of accuracy for most purposes.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Father Daughter Wedding Songs - Some Good Recommendations

The wedding day is definitely one of the happiest days for many - seeing as it's a milestone in life. This is a special event and is usually the culmination of long-cherished dreams. They involve a lot of things that make life meaningful and pleasurable. Music, food, dance, meeting old friends, and more.

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Music, for example, sets the mood for the event by adding an intangible, yet palpable aura of joy and solemnity. One of the most memorable and touching experiences at the wedding is the last dance between the bride-to-be and her father before he gives his angel to another man, danced to a father daughter wedding song. It's an emotional experience - the first man in the bride's life, giving her away to another man! It's a bitter-sweet experience. What is its significance? We'll explore that below, and then look at examples of great and memorable father daughter dance songs.

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The father daughter wedding dance is a powerful symbol, a mark of honor for the father, and a celebration of the beautiful experiences the family has shared. At many weddings, after this dance, the husband formally ''takes over''. It's an old tradition.

It's a celebration of the beginning of a new path, of the past, and of the future. The song is a poignant symbol of the end of the father's role as provider and protector. Thus, it's a vital part of the wedding and the song should be chosen with care. Let's look at a few songs that would make great father daughter wedding songs.

Daddy's Angel (by Anthony Carter) A simple country song, specifically written for the father daughter dance. It speaks about the difficulty of letting go, and of the fact that the bride will always be Daddy's Angel.

The Angel in My Arms (by Joe Pizzulo) It's a unique song produced by a company that specializes in producing wedding music. It's written in the father's voice: expressing his recognition that soon his angel would fly away, but expressing his conviction that time cannot erase the memory of his feelings and that he'll always be dancing with the angel she'll always be, no matter where she may go.

Butterfly Kisses ( by Bob Carlisle) Both the lyrics and music are beautiful and very sentimental. The father is on the verge of tears, the daughter tells him not to cry, and goes on to ask her father if her clothes are pretty.

I Loved Her First (by Heartland) A very popular song, loved by many. It speaks of the father's longing that the daughter would one day find a husband, and the difficulty of letting go.

Gracie (by Ben Folds) A fast, humorous and touching song. It speaks of the fact that the father can't be fooled - he saw the bride when she was born. She's got some of the visible features of her mum and some of his, and other invisible ones. She can't fool him. She'll always have a part of him.

These are just a few of the numerous songs that would work well as the father daughter wedding song. They reflect sadness, joy, hope, loss - and in general capture the bitter-sweet essence of the wedding day for the bride and her father.

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Is Your Computer Extremely Slow? Here Are Some Tips to Improve Its Performance

So is your computer extremely slow? Are you wasting more time waiting then you are actually working? This can be completely frustrating and at one time or another all computer users will experience their computer being extremely slow. Fortunately there are some things that you can do to fix a slow computer.

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When you first purchase your computer it runs fantastic, you can open and close programs quickly, you can browse the Internet with speed, going from website to website, opening and closing pages without a problem, but after awhile you begin to notice a change. Your computer isn't running with the same type of performance it had when you first purchased it and you spend more time waiting because your computer is extremely slow. Well if your now slow computer has you wanting to throw it out the window lets see what we can do to remedy the problem.

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One of the many causes of a computer running extremely slow is that you have very low available disk space on your hard drive. Your hard drive needs to have an adequate amount of free space to allow for temporary files and it must also be able to accommodate your swap file. If your swap file cannot accept temporary files it will result in a slow computer. A swap file is just a file that is stored on your hard drive and it is used to store information that is not being used by your computers RAM (random access memory) at any particular moment. If your computer is extremely slow, your hard drive could be lacking the room for your swap file to grow, keeping it from storing more temporary files which in turns frees up more of your memory.

We can help your slow computer by regaining some of the space on your hard drive, in a couple of ways. The first step you should take is to run the disk clean up option that is right inside your system tools. To get to your system tools you would click on your "Start" button, then open "All Programs," then click on "Accessories" and choose "System Tools" from the list and that opens up another list that you will choose "Disk Clean Up" from. Once you have Disk Clean Up opened you just double click on it and it will do all the rest. Now try using your slow computer for a day or two and see if it has made any improvements on your computers performance.

Now is your computer extremely slow even after you completed the Disk Clean Up and put it to use for a day or two? If so then we will have to use another trick to try and correct the problem. Your computer will contain folders that have files in them that are used for uninstalling Microsoft Windows updates. When ever you update your computer with Microsoft updates you simultaneously download the uninstall files which will allow you to uninstall any updates that you decide you don't want for one reason or another. Well if your computer is extremely slow you may want to consider deleting these uninstall folders because they can take up a significant amount of hard drive space resulting in a slow computer.

You are going to want to locate and delete these uninstall files and to do that you must first open "My Computer" and inside My Computer your going to open your "C: Drive." Now inside your C-drive you will open "Windows" or it may be called the "Winnt Folder" and when this folder is open you will see folders labeled $NTUninstall, now any of these folders that are older then a month you can delete. That should have cleaned up a lot of unnecessary files and folders, freeing up quite a bit of hard drive space. This will usually correct any problems causing your computer to be extremely slow.

Now, if you find yourself constantly complaining because your computer is extremely slow you now have a couple of tricks up your sleeve that you can use anytime that should help correct the problem.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Some Great Cell Phone Decoration Ideas

There are hundreds of cell phones that are available in the market now. With each mobile there are numerous accessories. You can jazz up your mobile phone with some terrific accessories. All of them are quite good. There are numerous companies that are engaged in manufacturing the mobile accessories. Thus with their help you can always personalize your mobile phone. This is a very good idea and I am going to discuss about the same in this article.

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Let us now talk something about them. The detail is as follows:

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1. Cell phone cases
The best, cheapest as well as the smartest way to decorate your gadget is to buy the phone case. The cases come in almost all the colors and you will certainly enjoy them. The cases are very beneficial when you would like to avoid the accidental phone calls. You will also feel quite pretty when you would like to buy the gadget cases. They are just superb, but you need to be selective. The cases lets your phone last longer. In fact it is fashionable and yet it protects your phone in tremendous way.

2. Cell Phone Skins
They are the covers of the mobiles. The skin just covers the body completely and you will see a brand new phone even after two to three years if you handle it with care. If you will not handle it with care then no body will take the guaranty of your mobile phone. Even the best quality skin will not be able to save your phone from scratches. You will certainly be petrified because of this.

3. Cell phone keypads
You will be quite amazed when you will go out and have a look on the keypads. The keypads are quite beautiful and velvety. You can choose the keypad of your choice. For this you will have to do a little bit of research. Generally if you are buying a key pad then you should also buy the keypad as well as the case and the skins. This is certainly a very good idea and you mobile will then turn into a brand new mobile phone.

4. Softwares
There are many types of mobile software that are available. You should certainly find them to be readily available. With their help you can make your mobile look extremely entertaining.

So these are some of the ways how you can decorate and make your mobile look more beautiful. Do try them and have fun!

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Enjoy the Simple Things in Life; Cut Yourself Some Slack

Many people believe that they need to stop and enjoy life and take it easy. They often go around finding people who are over achievers, super stars and hard workers who love what they do and tell them; Cut Yourself Some Slack. Indeed these people tell us to go get some quiet time, relax and enjoy life's simple pleasures.

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Well I have something to say to these people one of the greatest joys in life is Winning. You ought to try it sometime. Do not knock winning until you have won something. Winning is a simple pleasure in life and after you have won, you can relax and then go charge after the next goal. The quiet time is called Victory and that is the how you enjoy one of life's simple pleasures.

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Many of these people who tell us to chill out or to cut ourselves some slack say that because they have an ulterior motive. Which if you probe a little you can find out that they are motivated by having you go easy so as to allow them to look better. But a slacker is someone who goes easy, always has excuses and tells all the winners that you are pushing too hard and this can cause negative outcomes? Really now?

Last time I checked winning was a favorable outcome not a negative one. And unless someone who is a total winner tells you to cut yourself some slack, do not listen. More over next time this happens, do a little probing to see where the under performing comment maker is compared to where he really wants to be. You see my point?

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

What Is Time Management?

To answer this question simply, one could say that time management is a process by which one consciously keeps track of the amount of time they spend on each of their activities, in an effort to increase efficiency when it comes to usage of time. Below, you will find some of the basic concepts that are associated with time management of any kind.

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Who needs it?

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This is a very subjective question and one will need to analyze their needs very carefully. If you think you are lagging behind in a group of similar work professionals who produce significantly larger outputs than you, you might be in need of time management. You might also need time management if your productivity levels have dipped, when compared to your own productivity levels in the past. You might also need time management if your work causes an extreme amount of stress and anxiety.

For example, some workers might simply be overloaded with too much work. For such workers, no amount of management will help them finish their tasks. Time management is a concept that will allow one to use time more efficiently, not create more time. There will always only be 24 hours in a day, no matter how tediously a work day is planned.

What are some techniques in use today?

Time management, as mentioned earlier, will vary from person to person. Some will simply need to analyze their workday and eliminate some activities while some will need to do an in depth analysis of each of their activities, to see where processes could be improved. Time management may also involve the use of tools and software such as alarms, scheduling software, calendars, to do lists and so on.

You will also be required to analyze your own progress and make further changes to your time management techniques, as necessary. The management of time is a process where perfection can almost never be reached. So, there is always scope for improvement.

What are some quick ways in which these techniques can be quickly applied?

Though the management of time might sound like a sophisticated concept, one can easily reap the benefits of managing time by following some very simple concepts. For starters, one can easily create a lot more time in a work day by eliminating time that is spent on personal tasks. Every employee will have one or two vices such as taking personal calls, checking on their investment portfolio, social networks etc. Such activities must be eliminated or kept to a bare minimum.

Another way in which a simple management of time concept can be applied is that one will have to prepare a priority To Do list before they begin work every morning. The tasks with the most priority will require immediate attention while less important tasks will have to wait until the end of the day. That way, one will at least finish the most important tasks in a day, even if unforeseen circumstances reduced the amount of time they could spend on work.

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Be a Freelance Researcher and Make Some Extra Money

Today in the world there is an over abundance of information available. From the way to say hello in 100 different languages to the details about weather at any corner or the world to directions anywhere in the world everything is available at the click of a button on your personal computer screen through the internet.

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There is a major requirement for information that can be verified and validated and this is what is known as research. Research is an integral part of any venture be it fashion technology where designers are designing for some period of history that they go back and check the historical records. Or some business venture which wants history of the precedents and market potential information based on previous year's sales. Research is everywhere and there is always a good demand for researchers.

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The thing with being a researcher is that it doesn't need any specific qualification. All one needs is a keen eye for verifiable detail and immense amounts of patience to look and sort through hordes of documents and material to compile a good solid backing informative research. There are individuals or companies always on the lookout for freelance researchers to do a lot of groundwork for their firms on a wide range of topics and this is generally quite a lucrative job offer.

The biggest advantage for research these days is the availability of information on the web. There are several search engines which churn out information on being provided with a few keywords and this makes the task immensely easy to sift through just the relevant information.

One can land good assignments based on the need for such a service by various companies. Often the maximum hiring of researchers is done by firms who want to create a niche for some product or service and want to popularize it by creating brochures or websites. Researchers must dig out good information that can then be modeled for the website content and can help attract prospective customers. Freelancers are taken for such a job since the assignments are handed out and expected to be returned by a deadline. The pay is negotiable depending upon the depth of research required and often this is a steady sort of a job since there is always lot of background research to be done.

One must have a good network of contacts and spread the word of your skills to these circles. There is a good opportunity for research work where there are books being written. Contacting publishing companies or online article websites can be a good start since there is a lot of work being done in this realm.

Having a stellar portfolio of all the different diverse topics you have researched on is a good idea. This can aid is displaying the versatility of your skill. Opportunities are abound and the only thing one must remember is to maintain a good reputation and work ethic. Maintaining deadlines and providing proper verifiable fact as research is very important. Try your hand at it and see the remuneration it brings!

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Why Do Some Cats Bite When You Pet Them?

Many of us who are parents to cats notice that when we pet them, they sometimes turn around a bite our hands. Why do cats do that? Dog parents smugly state that their dogs wag their tails, pant and lick their hand. They claim that dogs don't bite the hand that pets them. While this is not a competition between cats and dogs, I'll give the dogs this one. I had a beautiful dog for many years (she passed away at 12) and she never bit me when I petted her. However, each and every cat (except one) has nipped at my hand.

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So, why do cats bite the hand that pets them? As usual, I decided to do a little research to see if I can find the answer. From what I can tell, it looks like experts do not agree on the reasons for this pet-then-bite behavior, therefore many theories abound regarding what is called petting-induced aggression.

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One theory is that unlike dogs, which are more social, petting may be something outside of a cat's normal instinctive behavior. A suggested remedy is that cats need to be socialized to people as very young kittens. Even 5 minutes of human contact each day of a cat's life up to 7 weeks of age will produce a much more trusting cat than those cats that did not have human contact until they were older than 7 weeks. However, this remedy does not explain all petting-induced aggressive behavior since properly socialized cats can still display this behavior. And this remedy does not help those of us who adopted adult cats.

Some experts theorize that a cat may bite once the petting exceeds her sensitivity threshold. While the cat enjoys the human contact at first, the repetitiveness of the petting becomes irritating and the cat turns and bites as a way of saying "Enough". Another theory is that the petting not only causes irritation but that it may also cause static electricity or actual pain because of the cat's nervous system. Or, sometimes the cat may have a pain in a particular area and your touch or even the belief that you will touch that area may trigger the aggressive behavior.

Sometimes cats may find petting so pleasurable that they actually fall asleep (with open eyes). If they wake up suddenly, they may not recognize that they are being petted and may believe that you are trying to confine them. Instinctively they may bite and run before they are fully aware that they were being petted. The final theory I found is one of control. Some cats need to control the situation where they determine when the petting starts and when it stops. What is perceived as petting-induced aggression is a way for the cat let you know who is in charge. I think behavior is more in line with my experience.

No matter the reason for the petting-induced aggression, there are some things that you can do to decrease the chance your cat will suddenly bite you while being petted.
It is important to find out if your cat has a medical condition that may cause pain when he is being petted, therefore take him to the vet for a thorough examination. Petting may cause the pain to worsen or the cat to become anxious that you may touch a painful area.

Like it or not, we just need to realize that some cats simply do no enjoy being petted. Cats are unique and while some cats enjoy human contact, love to cuddled and petted, others do not like human-initiated contact. These cats may enjoy some human closeness like sitting on your lap, but they don't want to be picked up and petted. We need to understand that just like you cannot change the basic personality of humans with whom we interact, you will not be able to change the basic personality of your cat and need to accept him as he is.

While we may miss the warnings, cats seldom suddenly turn and bite. An observant cat parent will notice the following clues before the aggressive behavior starts:

• ears may go flat or back
• stiffening of the body
• twitching of the skin or tail
• dilated pupils
• a low growl
• unsheathing of the claws

If you see any of these signs, stop petting immediately and allow the cat to leave.

Once you are aware of the warning signs, you can begin to predict your cat's petting tolerance level. Begin by timing from when you begin to pet your cat to the first instance of the warning signs. You can do this over the course of a week or so. Then, the next time you pet, make sure that you do not exceed this time limit. However, while timing may provide a good guide you still need to watch out for the warning clues.

You can also change the way in which you pet your cat. Some cats may prefer to receive short small strokes; others prefer to be scratched under the chin or between the ears. Not all cats enjoy whole-body petting. Try to pet you cat using the different methods. It should become pretty clear very quickly which methods are tolerable and which are not.

If your cat does bite during petting, please do not physically correct her as this may cause more aggression. However, you can reward your cat for not biting; you can give your cat a treat after each stroke she tolerates. Over time, your cat may associate the petting with treats and, barring any pain, may experience an increased petting tolerance threshold.

In the end, only you know your cat and while you can try all of the suggestions, you may have a cat that simply does not like to be petted. While it is hard to resist that fuzzy little belly, chin, neck, etc., you may simply have to find another more mutually enjoyable way of expressing your affection to your cat.

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Create More Energy in Your Life

When we are young we have too much of it, when we are older we can't get enough of it. What really is "energy" and how can we create energy in our own lives? Do we have to keep waiting for energy-filled days or are there proactive steps we can take to create more energy? The good news is that there are proactive steps to create more energy. The even better news is that I am going to share them with you and challenge you to take a few!

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One common mistake people make is thinking that the only way to get more energy is to create healthy lifestyle changes that revolve around food and fitness. While that is one area we will cover that does dramatically influence energy--it is far from the only one. There are different types of energy and different sources of energy. Physical energy is influenced by our daily lifestyle habits, but there is also Emotional Energy, Production Energy, and Spiritual Energy, all of which can bring more zest and productivity to your days.

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First, these four classifications aren't "official classifications." I made these names based on the research that I have been doing. It seemed that these four "groups" encompassed the energy-triggers I was uncovering. My working definition of energy is, "a feeling or personal power that allows us to continue positive production or perusal of the need-to-do tasks in our lives."

Emotional Energy and "The Second Wind"

Have you ever been really tired and then pushed yourself to go do something anyway? Perhaps it was a dinner with a friend or attending a talk or lecture? Somewhere inside that period, the tiredness disappears and is replaced by what we often call "a second wind." That "second wind" is energy that you are producing. It isn't something you have to wait for, you can produce that energy at any time once you understand the steps that created it in the first place.

Discovering emotional energy: This energy is derived from something that sparks our emotions or our passions. We receive new information, or hear old information in a new way. Or perhaps we are around someone who emulates energy, and their passion excites the energy within us.
Caution: Remember that energy fluctuates, so as easily as you can build it - you can also destroy it. There is no quicker way to become tired than spending time around negative people or listening to negative news. All stimulus influences our energy one way or the other. Watch for stimulus that are influencing your energy levels negatively. Example: Watching a round of Headline News will catch you up on the day's Headlines. But does watching additional programming help or hinder? What about reading? Are your choices uplifting and inspiring more energy or are they energy sappers?

Put it into Practice: To use Emotional Energy in your everyday life, you need to discover what produces this energy for you personally. Create a page in your notebook for listing your energy-producers. Here are a few that are on my list:

1. Read positive feedback or notes I have received from readers.

2. Have coffee, dinner or lunch with someone who I find inspiring.

3. Read a book that I find inspiring or motivational--something that really "speaks" to me.

4. Make sure I start my day off with positive emotional energy through my "Good Morning" routine.

5. Ask myself each morning, "Who do I want to be today?" and then remain personally accountable for being the best "me" possible.

Physical Energy

Of course we can't "talk" about energy without including the physical element. However, if you are overwhelmed by the thought of a new health plan, keep reading. Little changes can make a big difference in your energy production. Many of us are aware of the "big steps" we should take, so I have tried to focus on little changes that make a big impact. If you would like an overview of the big changes, I really recommend spending a few minutes at this site: []

I saw expert Thomas Perls on CNN with Larry King and found his research quite interesting and revealing. This free, online test is a great way to look at the "gaps" in your life. Odds are where you fall short on the health score are many of the same areas where you can improve and create more energy. This is an online life-expectancy calculator that is geared around his study of "Living to 100." It is very comprehensive and the results are equally comprehensive. This does a great job of tackling the "big areas" and some of the little areas, too.

Now let's look at some other physical areas and break down positive changes you can easily make:
Somebody bring me some water: As many of you know, I am leading a 2006 Goal Group. We have been discussing health/water/energy. A member submitted this link which is a wonderful resource for understanding your unique water needs. It includes a formula for learning how much water you need based on your specific weight.

Your personal zzzz quota: Recent research shows that the optimum amount of sleep is 7.2 hours. However, some people still need more and others need less. Figuring out your own personal quota can go a long way toward regulating your energy. Ideally you want to get the same amount of sleep each night to maintain optimum energy levels (you should also go to bed at the same time each night). Discovering your "zzz quota" takes a bit of work, but is well worth it. (Besides, how else will you get the permission to practice sleeping?) Before beginning, make sure you are not completely drained or fatigued otherwise you are going to overcompensate on your sleep. Spend a week getting more sleep so you are "fresh" to begin your study. Then for one week, go to bed EARLY enough that you can wake up naturally without an alarm clock. Write down how long you sleep for each of the 7 days, then average it out. This is your personal "zzz quota." Keep in mind this can change depending on what you are going through in your life, so it is good to "re-check" once or twice per year.

Sleep preparation: Make sure that you stop eating at least 3 hours prior to going to sleep to allow everything to digest. Avoid caffeinated beverages after dinner. Make your room "sleep friendly" by turning off the television and playing relaxing music.

The affects of food: Since food is our primary energy source, it makes sense that good food will produce good energy and poor choices will effect us negatively. Reduce refined sugar in your diet as much as possible. Avoid meals that are high in carbs during the second half of the day and focus instead on protein. Protein provides more stable energy than carbs which keep our body going like a roller coaster!

Reduce starches and breads: Bread, rolls, bagels, pasta -- starches often slow people down. Try going a week or two with minimal starches and see if this helps your energy level. You can conduct the same experiment with caffeine.

Pop those vitamins: At minimum take a good daily vitamin. While you may not see a huge change, over long term usage, this can help prevent many of the conditions that sap energy. The key here is consistency. Choose something you do daily and put your vitamins and a bottled water next to that item. Examples: next to car keys, toothbrush, coffee maker, computer.

Food patterns: Consider keeping a food journal to see how your energy fluctuates with your food consumption. Make adjustments to your food intake based on your discoveries. Remember that eating too little can be just as energy sapping as eating the wrong foods. Work on a balanced diet and don't forget your breakfast! Studies have shown that those who eat breakfast have more energy. If you have a hard time eating breakfast, find a simple solution. I often grab a breakfast bar on the go. A lean sandwich can also be made the night before and enjoyed in the morning. You don't have to eat "breakfast foods," but you do need to eat breakfast.

Exercise: You knew I would say it sooner or later! Getting your body moving is one of the quickest ways to increase energy. I love using my elliptical trainer and find that after I do so, I have extra energy to burn. Give any exercise program about 3 weeks to start giving you energy - the first three weeks can be tiring as we snap our bodies out of their comas! A recent Prevention article shared how doing just 10 minutes of LIGHT weight lifting repetitions caused a focus group to feel a 45% increase in their energy level. Pick up some light weights (5-10 pounds) at your local discount-mart and use them by your television at night.

Put it into Practice: It is important to recognize that energy isn't a "one size fits all" formula. I encourage you to experiment with each concept, paying attention to how it impacts your energy level. Choose one area to start with from the above list and schedule a "start date" on your calendar this coming week.

Productive Energy

One of my goal group participants was very surprised at her progress during her first week. While prior to the class she had felt unable to accomplish the simplest tasks, she now found herself completing her goal-centered to do lists -- and more! "How does that work?" she asked in a post to the support board.

This member discovered "productive energy." Aristotle said, "We become what we repeatedly do, excellence then is not an act, but a habit." When we repeatedly step forward, we propel ourselves forward even further. When we continually stand still, we dig a bigger rut. When we continually move backward, we dig a big hole.

To truly understand productive energy, think of a time when you were fatigued and then became inspired to do something. Perhaps it was reading a book, writing, or organizing, or completing pages in a scrapbook. Before you knew it, you looked at the clock and hours had passed--even though you were tired earlier. What changed? Well you didn't eat anything or exercise. The change was in what you were doing. Your attitude and productiveness elevated - thus elevating your performance and your energy.

Make a list ... and make sure to check it twice: The first step in building productive energy is to be focused on the right track. Have a clear list of what you want to accomplish with clear and attainable timelines. Make sure to star three items for the day that will allow you to feel good about the day regardless of what bumps pop up in your path.

Get started early: Make sure to start your action list early in the day to build momentum. If you have problems with procrastination, consider enrolling in our Procrastination Primer class.
Recharge: In order to be productive, you must have balance and that means learning what you personally need to recharge. Some people need quiet time each day, others just need a good night's rest. Discover what helps you recharge and work that it into your to-do lists.

Forget revving your engine and just go... The great thing about productive energy is you don't have to prepare or spend a lot of time thinking about it. Often we over-think and would be much better off following the Nike slogan. Push yourself over inaction and you'll discover that productive energy is ready and waiting for you whenever you need it.

Put it into Practice: Read through these four tips and "star" which seems to speak to you the most as a way to increase your Production Energy. Schedule time to work in that area this month.

Spiritual Energy

Spiritual energy can be thought of as "soul food." It isn't anxious or stress-filled motivation energy, but a calm and centered energy. Think of a time where you have experienced deep relaxation or a time where you have been moved by a sermon or religious reading/teaching. That centeredness is spiritual energy. The beauty of spiritual energy is that it is steady and fulfilling. It doesn't rely on "highs and lows" to keep recreating itself. It comes from listening instead of talking and "being present" instead of "trying to get somewhere else." Because this is a quiet and calm energy and doesn't shout loudly for our attention, it is often the most neglected. Finding "peace" seems like an "extra" that many of us don't have time to pursue. Yet, within that peace, lies an ever-renewing source of energy. I would dare say that living without it is dangerous--and trying to live well without it, quite difficult.

Qualify spiritual practice: What does spiritual practice mean to you? It could be daily time for reflection or meditation; or daily Bible study or religious reading or prayer time. Take some time to think of where you have found spiritual energy in the past and if you are making room for spiritual energy on a daily basis.

Make a pact: Make a pact with yourself not to starve yourself of this soul food. Remember this is a quiet energy that won't shout for your attention, so it is important to nourish and commit to it.
Keep a spiritual journal: Make entries of your spiritual practice time and record what you learn and discover. Use this as a source to return to again and again to inspire continued spiritual development.

Journal: Journal about what life means to you and the concept of "purpose." What is your purpose? At the end of your life, what do you want to have completed here on earth and why? Use your journal to keep in touch with your purpose. You can also try writing about what "personal peace," means to you.

Form a group: To stay on track with spiritual practice, consider a partner or group to touch base with on a regular basis.

Put it into Practice: Choose one of the above ideas to work with and schedule the time to do so on your calendar. I will also be teaching a class on 5 Steps of Personal Peace. Consider signing up if you are interested in the discovering sources of calm energy.

Your Turn: Make an energy action plan incorporating these different action steps into your life. Also, start an Energy Journal and take notes of what changes work for you and how your energy is influence by your efforts.

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Did You Know That Some Men Can Breastfeed! Find Out What Other Crazy Facts I Reveal

About 3 people are born every second, and about 1 1/3 people die every second.  The result is about 2 2/3 net increase of people every second. Almost 10 people more live on the Earth now than before you finished reading this.

Some Time

The first computer was ENACT - (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) first introduced in 1946.

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The total combined weight of the world's ant population is heavier than the weight of the human population.

Forty-one percent of English women have punched or kicked their partners.

Abe Lincoln bought 50 cents worth of cocaine in 1860.

The largest living thing on the face of the Earth is a mushroom underground in Oregon.  It measures three and a half miles in diameter.

Men with a certain rare medical condition can breastfeed babies.

Two years, four months and three days before the successful flights of the Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk, a birdlike monoplane took off at dawn on August 14, 1901, near Bridgeport, Connecticut.  Gustavo Whitehead, designer and builder, flew the plane about a half mile.  This might have been the first flight in the sky by a machine-powered aircraft - but there is no concrete evidence. 

A pig is mentioned only twice in the Bible but is rated as the fourth most intelligent animal.  Sheep are mentioned 45 times, goats 88 times, dogs 14 times and lions 89 times but domestic cats are not mentioned.

An ostrich can run up to 70 km/h - (43 mph).

African elephants only have four teeth to chew their food.

There are about 1 billion cattle in the world and India has about 200 million of them. 

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Buying Stocks and Shares For The First Time - Some Hints

Buying stocks and shares can be a very lucrative occupation. But if you don't take care, you could also lose money. Follow these hints to avoid mistakes.

Some Time

(1) When looking at stocks to buy, make sure you investigate the company carefully. See who is running the company and who they worked for before joining the company. What are their past records? Were the companies they worked for successful? Try to find out the circumstances under which they left. If you find satisfactory answers to these questions, then the company may be worth further investigation.

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(2) Make sure to dig into the portfolios of successful mutual fund companies. These companies invest in a number of stocks using funds from many different individuals or companies. If the mutual fund company you're investigating is getting good returns year after year, then you should look a little more closely at the companies they are investing in.

(3) Look for stocks that have a Price-Earnings Ratio - P/E Ratio that is lower than those of similar stocks.

What is the Price - Earnings Ratio?

The 'price' part refers to a company's share price at the moment.

The 'earnings' part refers to earnings per share over a certain period.

It is calculated by dividing the Current Price by the Earnings per Share over a certain length of time.

For example, if a company is currently trading at £58.36 per share and the earnings during the previous year had been £2.45 per share, then the Price - Earnings Ratio or P/E Ratio is £58.36/£2.45, i.e. 23.82.

(4) Don't forget to get all the information you can out of your broker. If, for example, your broker is recommending 'Any Old Company' stock at £25 per share, ask him why? What is the likelihood of an increase in share price and what is the share's history?

(5) Search for companies which are undervalued. This is where your broker can help you again. Give him specific criteria to investigate about stock which is undervalued and then do your own investigations into the companies he suggests.

(6) Ask for a company's balance sheets. If you can see that it has low debts, a positive cash flow and consistently good earnings, then you are probably onto a winner. Remember, however, that past performance doesn't necessarily guarantee future performance.

(7) Keep an eye out for any bad news about a company. Stock markets tend to be cautious and try to overcompensate for any bad news by driving a stock to a level lower than it should be at. You may be able to take advantage.

Above all, work hard by reading the financial news, looking for trends and opportunities should they arise. And make sure you know when to sell if prices are going against you. Yes, investing is a long term activity and you should be aware that you'll have ups and downs, but don't stay with a stock that is consistently losing. Otherwise, you'll soon be broke!

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Making Love the First Time - Essential Tips to Follow

Every first time has special memories whether it is first kiss or first time on bed and making love the first time with your partner. If you are making love for the first time and need some valuable tips, then you just have to go through the next few lines. I am sure you will get some real help for that special event. There are some basic rules for love making and especially for the first timers which should be followed. Some rules cannot be followed if not preplanned but some can always be followed whether you are having planned sex or not.

Some Time

Love Making Tips For That First Time:
Make sure that your partner does want to make love with you and it is not just liking and fondness of some sort. Your partner may need some time to get mentally ready for the first time experience so be patient with your partner. Choose your partner wisely and do not take anyone in your house and indulge into sex. First time sex is really special and you need someone whom you understand well and vice versa to avoid little problems or uncomfortability during those few hours.  Do not forget to buy protection as you will definitely not want to get pregnant or make your girl pregnant after first time sex. You should go slow and smooth when making love as it needs little soft touches and caressing. Do not make the whole act look like a sexually assault scene. It is necessary to show your love also during love making as love making is not possible without love in your heart. However, if both the partners are ready to make love without any emotional relation, it is their individual choice. There are many things which can be used during making love and they are available at almost any home in this earth. Music play a very important part in love making and it brings rhythm to the process if you are not a rhythmic person. Use eatable foods like chocolate sauce, cherries, strawberries, olives, etc. to make your experience even more interesting and this is nice way to bring variety to your sex experience. If you are confident, you can try different love making positions which are available on the various sites on the internet. If you are not confident go with the basic postures and remember to go with the flow. Do not plan everything in love making as this is not possible.

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Why Do Men Want Time Alone For a While? Know the Real Reasons Why Some Men Withdraw All of a Sudden

Is there a time in your relationship when your boyfriend asked for a little break? If not, then maybe your boyfriend has asked for your permission if he could travel alone for a few days. All guys reach a point in their lives wherein they want to be left alone, even just for a very short time. Here are some of the reasons why:

Some Time

They miss the life of a single guy.
What makes bachelorhood or the single life such a coveted thing among guys? It's the freedom. It means you can go out whenever you want to, wherever you want to go. Of course, guys can no longer do this when they have a girlfriend since they have to ask for permission all the time.

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Men easily get tired of all the demands in a relationship.
Being in a relationship doesn't just require you to be faithful but it demands so much more. Primarily, you have to not just think about yourself but your partner as well. Since a relationship can be too rigorous, a little alone time is the best solution that most couples often resort to.

They want time to do their guy stuff.
This includes sports and anything else that most girls do not enjoy doing. Guys want to spend hours in front of the television, watching the basketball finals, drinking beer or eating lots of greasy stuff. He cannot do guy stuff like this anymore when there's always a movie date or a shopping date to go to with his girlfriend.

They get suffocated with all the clinginess.
A man would naturally feel a need for fresh air once a woman becomes too clingy. Clinginess can drain a man's energy, so instead of going mad, he'd rather ask for a time out.

Men feel pressured by their guy friends.
The guy also has friends of his own and most of the time, he could already be saying no to their invites because of his girlfriend. He may need time off in order to hang out with his buds soon, and revisit his night life - every man needs this. This doesn't mean he would be looking for other girls, he just needs to be with other guys sometimes.

They are starting to lose their identity in the relationship.
A relationship is supposed to unite two people - it's oneness in its purest form. At times, though, the guy tends to give everything that the girl wants and forgets that he wants other things, too. This leads to a loss of identity of which the only solution is for the guy to find himself again.

They get bored when things become a routine.
If things are starting to be the same, every single day, every single week, then he might feel that he needs to be away from all this, maybe even try new things that he so wanted to do a long time ago.

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Why Do Some People Criticize All the Time and Put Others Down?

Are you wondering why this one person in your life is such a thorn in your side, criticizing your every move, telling you how everything you do is wrong, that you look awful and so on. Perhaps they are always putting you down and shouting down ideas that you have. This person may be a work colleague, boss, partner, friend or neighbor. The constant bombardment of negative feedback gets you down, leads to anxiety, reduced self esteem and you can not for the life of you work out why they are so nasty and targeting you for their criticism.

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Why do they behave like this and should you fight back?

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My experience of people that are always criticizing others is that they are deeply unhappy, have a low self esteem and perhaps even depressed. When people are depressed, sad or insecure often the world becomes very dark and they do see the enemy everywhere. Some people are very jealous of other people's success and deeply resent it. They then start to 'act' out.

It can also be a form of projection. They project onto others what they feel about themselves. When they call you a loser, really this is a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves. It is likely too that they consider this how you think about them so they get the insult out there first. The more unkind they are to you, the more distance you create between you, and this results in them trying harder to get your attention.

They feel rejected and try with inappropriate means to re-establish a connection. Look at how 'naughty children' behave when trying to get attention. The attention grabbing efforts are always negative and not positive. Is it possible this person has yet to learn these methods are not effective!

If you are an attractive, bubbly, successful, wealthy person with a nice happy home, great relationship, lovely children, nice car or any number of other things that this person does not have then this is in itself is reason for them to resent you if they are unhappy about what they lack in their own life.

When people take these pot shots at me, I generally see it for what it is. Insecurity and jealousy. I pity them and as such bear them no ill feeling. I may try to help them feel better about themselves or to gain what it is they want but do not have but ultimately if they can't quit their griping which can in the end drive even the strongest person down, then I will distance myself from them, perhaps indefinitely.

Do not let let people like this get you down and remember if you are in anyway at an advantage when compared to them their level of insecurity may make you their target.

If this person is complaining about your ideas perhaps in a work environment, then ask them for their ideas and suggestions. This tends to politely highlight the fact to them that they are complaining but not being at all productive it may also reveal surprising results in that in fact they perhaps do have ideas that may have been overlooked or gone unheard for risk of taking away someone elses lime light.

Either way, they are the ones who are unhappy, depressed, insecure, suffering from low self esteem issues. You can either elect to ignore them or help them but it is perhaps best not to fuel their misery by fighting back and slam dunking them with clever reprisals.

Good luck!

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